10 Horns Beast

Ten Horns Of The Beast

The other posts I dealt with the 7 heads and 7 mountains showing Islam is the Beast. I talked about the Muslim’s Mahdi and the second Beast which is the false prophet and showed that was the Muslim’s Jesus. Notice I said the Muslim’s Jesus and not the Christian Jesus Christ. Now I will deal with the ten horns on the beast.

Reading our Bible we learn the 10 Horns are actually Ten Kings that will be the make up of the End Time Beast. [Daniel 7:24] We learned from Daniel there will be another Horn rising out of the ten horns. The question is do the Bible tell us who the ten horns will be on the end time beast? I believe Psalm 83 gives us the answer we need. Trouble is there are many different opinions about the ten nations mentioned in Psalm 83. Some has its fulfillment before Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog; others has it as Gog and Magog and others claimed Psalm 83 isn’t a prophetic prophecy. I will address those claims and at the end try establishing who those 10 nations are today.

Prophetic Prophecy: — Not sure why some denies this as a prophetic prophecy but as usual I always look into the Bible and do some digging. What follows are the results of my digging.

Asaph: –- Was the author of Psalm 83 –- It is recognized that Asaph was David’s music director, and probably wrote much of the original, now lost, music for David’s Psalms, but much more importantly, he wrote twelve Psalms. He also was the Music Director under Solomon. Why is this important? Continue on.

PS 83:1 A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. –- PS 83:2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. –- PS 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. –- PS 83:4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. –- PS 83:5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

It goes on and give the list of the ten nations which I will talk about later. I have a few points for you to consider. —- 1. The following list of nations had never before in history been in a joint confederation against Israel and had never had a unifying component. –- 2. This confederacy had to have come into existence since Israel became a nation in 1948. This incredible war has never taken place at anytime before in Israel’s ancient history. –- 3. This confederation against Israel has to in actuality present a unified front personally opposing the very God of Israel – their true bond must be a religious one! — 4. Only nations today wanting to wipe Israel off the Map are Muslim Nations based on their Quran and Hadiths. — 5. Only Nations today claiming a different god than the God of the Bible are Muslim Nations.

These facts alone is enough to show this is a prophetic prophecy but there are more. Bible Prophecies showed these nations are destroy at Christ’s second coming and not Israel defeating them if they attacked before Gog and Magog. — [Numbers 24:17-19; Isaiah 34 and 63; Obadiah 1:21; Isaiah 25; Amos 2 and Zephaniah 2:9; Joel 3; are a few Scriptures describing the Lord destroying those nations at his return. Therefore this puts these ten nations at the end time and the Beast with the ten horns are also the end time beast.]

Using the Bible I showed Psalm 83 is a prophetic prophecy which will not happen until the end time beast and than Christ will destroy those ten horns at his return with the Church and set up the Millennium Kingdom.

Edom: An area south-west of Israel between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Today this area is mostly in Jordan, but a small portion of Saudi-Arabia and Egypt also.

Ishmaelites: were descendants from Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s slave. They became the Bedouin tribes and the peoples of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and the Saudis.

Moab: The area this country used to occupy is now part of modern-day Jordan.

Gebal: Gebal is now a city called Byblos which is in modern-day Lebanon.

Ammon: This is also now in modern-day Jordan, and the current capital of Jordan is at the same location as Ammon’s capital city.

Hagrites [Hagarenes]: Northern Jordan

Amalek: were a nomadic shepherd tribe of southern Palestine and the Sinai Peninsula.”. The Sinai Peninsula is now part of modern-day Egypt.

•Philistia: The Philistines lived in the area now known as the Gaza strip. Today these people are called the Palestinians.

Tyre: The main city in Phoenicia”. Today, Tyre is along the coast of Lebanon. So we can see that Phoenicia is now present-day Lebanon.

•Assyria: Today this country is called Syria, and is certainly hostile to Israel and has close ties to Iran.

After a brief analysis of these ancient countries, we can see that they correspond to: Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinians (who as of yet do not have an official state, but do control the Gaza strip). All of these countries are Israel’s immediate neighbors, and most have a large Muslim population and they definitely want to see Israel wipe off the map.

I realized some might disagree with my conclusion and I am open to any thoughts who these nations might be on our modern maps.

Unless God brings something else to my mind this will be the end of the end time beast messages. Though I know some disagree I pray the messages were informative and some might consider the points presented.

The Mahdi

Muslim’s Mahdi

In the message of the Second Beast or the false prophet I mentioned the Muslim’s view of their Jesus and showed their Jesus’ was similar to the Bible’s description of the false prophet. I showed the Muslim’s Jesus will do the same things the Biblical False Prophet or the second Beast will do in Revelation. Actually in my studies of Islam’s end time beliefs I learn it all was similar to the Biblical end times teaching. Muhammad Plagiarized the Bible and gave a twisted version to it that suited him at the time. He did the same with the Zoroaster religion as well other religions existing at the time. Not going to take the time right now covering each little detail but as we saw in the last message on the False Prophet He did take Biblical Scriptures and twisted them for his own use. In this Message watch closely how the Mahdi is similar to Jesus’ second coming and even similar to the Millennium reign.

The Mahdi: — The Coming of the Mahdi is the central theme of Islamic end time narratives. There are a few minority Sunnis not believing in a Mahdi but they are very few. There are a few minor differences between the Sunnis and Shias Mahdi beliefs, both sects believe in the coming Mahdi.

Quote “He has been the vision of the visionaries in history. He has been the dream of all the dreamers of the world. For the ultimate salvation of mankind he is the Pole Star of hope on which the gaze of humanity is fixed. He belongs to everybody.” unquote. [Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Muratda Mutahhari, The Awaited Savior, (Karachi, Islamic Seminary Publications), prologue, p. 1]

Though they said Jesus was a Messiah they also claimed he was sent to the Jews only. The Mahdi is the Islamic equivalent of a Messiah and when the word Messiah is used in Islamic culture it is always referring to the Mahdi. They believe the Mahdi is a foreordained leader will launch a social transformation. He will put all things under a divine guidance and the restoration of the purity of the faith which the Islamic revelation will be the Norm for the whole world. [Abdulaziz Abdhulhussein Sachedina, Islamic Messianism, The Idea of the Mahdi in Twelver Shi’ism, (Albany, State University of New York, 1981) p. 2].

The Islamic world today calls for the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate. The Caliph (Khalifa) in Islam may be viewed somewhat as the Pope of the Muslims. The Caliph is viewed as the Vice-regent for Allah on the earth. It is important to understand that when Muslims call for the restoration of the Caliphate, it is ultimately the Mahdi they are calling for because the Mahdi is the awaited final Caliph of Islam. As such, Muslims everywhere will be obligated to follow the Mahdi. The Mahdi is believed to be a future Muslim world leader who will not only rule over the Islamic world, but also the non-Muslim world as well.

The Mahdi is said to lead a world revolution that will establish a new Islamic world order throughout the entire earth. He heralds the beginning of the final rising of the sun of Islam which will never again set and which will ensure happiness and the elevation of mankind… The Mahdi is one of Allah’s clear signs which will soon be made evident to everyone. ——

Notice Muslims believes Islam will rise to power again fulfilling the Rise of the Eight Beast which is Islam and the seventh Beast was the Head that was wounded. How will the Mahdi accomplish this goal? — The Mahdi’s means and method of accomplishing this world revolution will include multiple military campaigns or holy wars (jihad). While some Muslims believe that most of the non-Muslims of the world will convert to Islam peaceably during the reign of the Mahdi, most traditions picture the non-Muslim world coming to Islam as a result of being conquered by the Mahdi. Many battles will ensue between Muslims and the disbelievers during the Mahdi’s reign. [Abdulrahman Kelani, The Last Apocalypse, An Islamic Perspective, (Fustat, 2003), pp. 34-35]

Islamic tradition pictures the Mahdi as joining with the army of Muslim warriors carrying black flags. The Mahdi will then lead this army to Israel and re-conquer it for Islam. The Jews will be slaughtered until very few remain [those converting to Islam] and Jerusalem will become the location of the Mahdi’s rule over the Earth. Then the world will be ruled by Islamic Law.

I gave some references above and summarized what the Muslims believe about their Mahdi and him rising to power. He will conquer Jerusalem and from there he will rule to world. As I stated before Muhammad plagiarized Scriptures and put his own twist on them for his purpose. Christians Knows Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem sitting on the Throne of David. and the Jews knows their Messiah will rule from Jerusalem sitting on the throne of David. —- Notice the Mahdi will lead a world wide revolution by war and force conversion or death. The Bible teaches the Antichrist will do the same with help from the Muslim’s Jesus. — What happens after he gain control of Jerusalem?

Allah will give him his power and the Mahdi will have control over the wind and the rain and the crops. —- Only God has that control and the Bible said the antichrist will sit in the temple of God declaring himself as God. Some asked how can a Muslim accept a man claiming to be God. Simple! When they see his control over nature they will be brainwash into accepting his declaration of being God. Possible some Muslims will turn away from him at that time but not the Majority.

In the last days of my Ummah [universal Islamic community], the Mahdi will appear. Allah will give him power over the wind and the rain and the earth will bring forth its foliage. He will give away wealth profusely, flocks will be in abundance, and the Ummah will be large and honored. [Sahih Hakim Mustadrak, related by Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (4:557 and 558), as quoted by Kabbani p. 233].

As a result of the numerous benefits that the Mahdi brings, it is said that all the inhabitants of the Earth will be possessed with a deep love of him:

Allah will sow love of him in the hearts of all people. [El-Kavlu’l Muhtasar Fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, as quoted by Harun Yahya] — Al Mahdi appears, everyone only talks about Him, drinks the love of Him, and never talks about anything other than Him. [Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, as quoted by Harun Yahya]

Other Sources stated when the Mahdi reigns the Lions will lay down with the lambs and so on and so forth. It is a description of the Bible’s Christ millennium reign.

I gave a few references of the quotes above but there are many more. If I was to do a post on the subject of the Muslim’s Mahdi it will be too long. Later for my website I might do that but for the purpose of these lessons I think this is enough. — This Mahdi is the Bible Antichrist and their Jesus is the Bible false prophet. The word “Antichrist” real meaning is one who replaces Christ or one who is a substitute Christ. The Mahdi will claimed to be the world’s awaited Messiah but in reality he is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing and so is their Jesus a wolf in Sheep’s clothing.

666 Forehead and Right Hand

666 Forehead and Right Hand

RE 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Anyone reading my posts knows I am a firm believer in taking the Bible exact literal wording with in context. Yes there are times the Bible speaks in symbolic language. We all know Beast in the Bible can be a literal beast or it can be symbolic pointing to an empire or a nation. As I read the Bible I always look at it first literally trying to see if it makes sense. If it don’t than I look at it symbolically. First let us look at it literally.

Literally: –- The Bible said right hand or forehead. If I take this literally than I can take the mark in my left hand, on my neck, my face, or my shoulder or anyplace on my body as long as it isn’t on the forehead or right hand. I can stand before God and point him to his word and tell him I didn’t accept the Mark of the Beast in my right hand or forehead. I took it on my butt or chest. God is Just and so I ought to be clear standing on his word. Will I?

What if it is symbolic? I believe it is Symbolic and I also believe there will be examples in the Bible of the Symbolic meanings as there are examples in the Bible of the meaning of Beast symbolically. Let us look at Ancient Culture.

Forehead: –– In my studies of Ancient culture, I learned forehead when used as a symbol can “represent your heart, mind, soul or knowledge.” Let me give you Scriptures in Jeremiah and Ezekiel for support.

JER 3:3 Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed —

Read the first two verses before this and you will learn God is talking about Judah’s backsliding state. Judah was committing spiritual whoredom with false gods. Jehovah was not in their hearts or mind or their knowledge. They had forsaken God. Because of their knowledge of the pagan gods he said they had the foreheads [knowledge]of a whore. This is talking about a spiritual whore. Their hearts and minds were not on God.

Ezekiel chapter 3 we read God will make Ezekiel’s Forehead stronger than the “False Prophets Foreheads.” –- Are we to believe Ezekiel and the false prophets will be butting foreheads? –- If we take this literally that will be the literal meaning but if we take the forehead as symbolic meaning “Knowledge” than I believe God is telling Ezekiel not to worry about how they try staring you down or attacking what you say or teach because your knowledge will be greater than their knowledge which is always true. –- God’s anointed teachers knowledge came from God while the other teacher’s knowledge is from a carnal mind and in some cases a Satanic deception. God also told Ezekiel to eat his word. If you are called of God your knowledge will stand out but first you must eat God‘s word and when you eat anything you have to digest it before it does any good. Problem is many aren’t digesting what they eat.

Revelation talked about a woman riding the Beast and on her forehead was written Mystery Babylon. Mystery means hidden and so it is saying hidden Babylon. Using the forehead symbolically as heart or soul it is saying this woman’s knowledge will be the knowledge of Babylonian worship and her heart and soul will be in it. Muslims today deny their religion is a religion of a moon god and they try hiding the fact it came from the ancient Babylon worship. They are brainwash from the cradle to the grave. Islam is their heart soul and mind!

Right Hand: –- In ancient culture, the right hand when used symbolically represented a person’s power, authority or sworn allegiance to a person, cause, King, or Country. It also represented a person’s strength, intentions, support and character. Right hand of fellowship means you accept the person into your group. Therefore the person accepting the mark of the Beast in his right hand means he will accept the beast in fellowship supporting the beast and working for it. He will dedicate his authority and life to the beast. Think Suicide Bombers. With this in mind let us examine a few verses showing power and Authority.

PS 17:7 Show thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. — Is God’s right hand the saviour or is it God’s power?

PS 44:3 For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them. — The psalmist used “thy right hand” symbolically meaning God‘s power.

ISA 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together. — God’s right hand did not do the work while the rest of him laid around. –- We know God spoke the earth and the heavens into existence and therefore did not use his right hand literally. If we take the right hand as God’s power then we understand it better or we should.

Taking forehead as knowledge and the right hand as power and authority or allegiance we can say receiving the Mark in the forehead means you will be “Brainwash” and receiving it in your right hand means swearing your allegiance and support. Look at the Muslims. They are brainwash and they support the Quran, Islam and Muhammad with their lives.

There are supposedly Christians brainwash into accepting Islam as a sister religion and the Pope kissed the Quran showing his acceptance of the Quran as part of God’s word when Islam and the Quran are both satanic inspired.

This will not involved a computer chip as some supposedly prophecy teachers implied and it isn’t the Pope.

Basically accepting the Mark will be your lifestyle. It will be your way of life so much that you will die fighting for it.