666 number of a Man Muhammad

RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

A Little Background: Some said God will not lead a Christian to study Islam but he will when he wants to use the person to reach out to the Muslims and at the same time to gain knowledge about the end time beast. Because of the wisdom God led me to Muslims has told me I was the first Christian they met knowing the Bible and Islam as I do, which lets me know I am planting seeds. In the process I learned about Islam’s end time beast which is somewhat different than ours. Their Saviour is the Mahdi and their antichrist is Christ coming back as Revelation speaks; while our antichrist is the Muslim’s Mahdi and our Saviour is our Jesus Christ.

In the process of studying Daniel and Revelation I came to the conclusion The Muslim’s Mahdi is the antichrist which I have a website proving this. Problem I had was the number 666 and if I couldn’t connect that number to Islam than I knew I was wrong about my end time beast conclusion. Therefore I did some internet research under 666 and Islam and found Muslim’s links teaching the Quran is the number 666. I have all this information on my website called the Islamic Beast. — http://www.end-time-truth.com/Islamic_Beast/index.html

Although I believe the antichrist is the Muslim’s Mahdi and the Beast I still study as I do with anything I teach because the more I study the more I learn and the more information I get. When I get new Information on this subject or any subject I either revised what I had posted or give a new post which I am doing in this case. This post will also be on the Islamic Beast website.

As I said in another post in 1972 Muslims started teaching 666 on the number 666 is one of their Holy numbers. Why was this kept hidden until 1972? God wanted the Muslims to announce 666 as one of their holy numbers so the world can see the connection between Islam and 666 which Muslims claimed is one of their Holy Numbers. On my Islamic Beast website I go in detail about the number 666 the right hand and forehead.

As I said earlier, regardless the subject I always keep studying to keep checking if I am correct and in the process I learn new information. This is the reason for this post.

Re 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name — RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Here is Wisdom: This is not our wisdom but God’s wisdom which we learn as God leads us in our studies. Three things in the above verses. 666 is the number of the Beast, the number of the Beast’s name and the number of a Man. What does it mean the number of a man?

Quote Muslims. “GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666.” Unquote. Reason 666 is one of Islam’s Holy Number is Muhammad made it the number of the Quran. That is why the Bible said it is the number of “A Man.”

What about accepting the 666 on the Forehead or Right Hand? As I said in the post http://www.end-time-truth.com/Islamic_Beast/ForeHeadAndRightHand.html the Forehead is knowledge or being brain wash and the Right Hand is accepting and supporting the Beast.