666 number of a Man Muhammad

RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

A Little Background: Some said God will not lead a Christian to study Islam but he will when he wants to use the person to reach out to the Muslims and at the same time to gain knowledge about the end time beast. Because of the wisdom God led me to Muslims has told me I was the first Christian they met knowing the Bible and Islam as I do, which lets me know I am planting seeds. In the process I learned about Islam’s end time beast which is somewhat different than ours. Their Saviour is the Mahdi and their antichrist is Christ coming back as Revelation speaks; while our antichrist is the Muslim’s Mahdi and our Saviour is our Jesus Christ.

In the process of studying Daniel and Revelation I came to the conclusion The Muslim’s Mahdi is the antichrist which I have a website proving this. Problem I had was the number 666 and if I couldn’t connect that number to Islam than I knew I was wrong about my end time beast conclusion. Therefore I did some internet research under 666 and Islam and found Muslim’s links teaching the Quran is the number 666. I have all this information on my website called the Islamic Beast. — http://www.end-time-truth.com/Islamic_Beast/index.html

Although I believe the antichrist is the Muslim’s Mahdi and the Beast I still study as I do with anything I teach because the more I study the more I learn and the more information I get. When I get new Information on this subject or any subject I either revised what I had posted or give a new post which I am doing in this case. This post will also be on the Islamic Beast website.

As I said in another post in 1972 Muslims started teaching 666 on the number 666 is one of their Holy numbers. Why was this kept hidden until 1972? God wanted the Muslims to announce 666 as one of their holy numbers so the world can see the connection between Islam and 666 which Muslims claimed is one of their Holy Numbers. On my Islamic Beast website I go in detail about the number 666 the right hand and forehead.

As I said earlier, regardless the subject I always keep studying to keep checking if I am correct and in the process I learn new information. This is the reason for this post.

Re 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name — RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Here is Wisdom: This is not our wisdom but God’s wisdom which we learn as God leads us in our studies. Three things in the above verses. 666 is the number of the Beast, the number of the Beast’s name and the number of a Man. What does it mean the number of a man?

Quote Muslims. “GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666.” Unquote. Reason 666 is one of Islam’s Holy Number is Muhammad made it the number of the Quran. That is why the Bible said it is the number of “A Man.”

What about accepting the 666 on the Forehead or Right Hand? As I said in the post http://www.end-time-truth.com/Islamic_Beast/ForeHeadAndRightHand.html the Forehead is knowledge or being brain wash and the Right Hand is accepting and supporting the Beast.

10 Horns Beast

Ten Horns Of The Beast

The other posts I dealt with the 7 heads and 7 mountains showing Islam is the Beast. I talked about the Muslim’s Mahdi and the second Beast which is the false prophet and showed that was the Muslim’s Jesus. Notice I said the Muslim’s Jesus and not the Christian Jesus Christ. Now I will deal with the ten horns on the beast.

Reading our Bible we learn the 10 Horns are actually Ten Kings that will be the make up of the End Time Beast. [Daniel 7:24] We learned from Daniel there will be another Horn rising out of the ten horns. The question is do the Bible tell us who the ten horns will be on the end time beast? I believe Psalm 83 gives us the answer we need. Trouble is there are many different opinions about the ten nations mentioned in Psalm 83. Some has its fulfillment before Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog; others has it as Gog and Magog and others claimed Psalm 83 isn’t a prophetic prophecy. I will address those claims and at the end try establishing who those 10 nations are today.

Prophetic Prophecy: — Not sure why some denies this as a prophetic prophecy but as usual I always look into the Bible and do some digging. What follows are the results of my digging.

Asaph: –- Was the author of Psalm 83 –- It is recognized that Asaph was David’s music director, and probably wrote much of the original, now lost, music for David’s Psalms, but much more importantly, he wrote twelve Psalms. He also was the Music Director under Solomon. Why is this important? Continue on.

PS 83:1 A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. –- PS 83:2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. –- PS 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. –- PS 83:4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. –- PS 83:5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

It goes on and give the list of the ten nations which I will talk about later. I have a few points for you to consider. —- 1. The following list of nations had never before in history been in a joint confederation against Israel and had never had a unifying component. –- 2. This confederacy had to have come into existence since Israel became a nation in 1948. This incredible war has never taken place at anytime before in Israel’s ancient history. –- 3. This confederation against Israel has to in actuality present a unified front personally opposing the very God of Israel – their true bond must be a religious one! — 4. Only nations today wanting to wipe Israel off the Map are Muslim Nations based on their Quran and Hadiths. — 5. Only Nations today claiming a different god than the God of the Bible are Muslim Nations.

These facts alone is enough to show this is a prophetic prophecy but there are more. Bible Prophecies showed these nations are destroy at Christ’s second coming and not Israel defeating them if they attacked before Gog and Magog. — [Numbers 24:17-19; Isaiah 34 and 63; Obadiah 1:21; Isaiah 25; Amos 2 and Zephaniah 2:9; Joel 3; are a few Scriptures describing the Lord destroying those nations at his return. Therefore this puts these ten nations at the end time and the Beast with the ten horns are also the end time beast.]

Using the Bible I showed Psalm 83 is a prophetic prophecy which will not happen until the end time beast and than Christ will destroy those ten horns at his return with the Church and set up the Millennium Kingdom.

Edom: An area south-west of Israel between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Today this area is mostly in Jordan, but a small portion of Saudi-Arabia and Egypt also.

Ishmaelites: were descendants from Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s slave. They became the Bedouin tribes and the peoples of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and the Saudis.

Moab: The area this country used to occupy is now part of modern-day Jordan.

Gebal: Gebal is now a city called Byblos which is in modern-day Lebanon.

Ammon: This is also now in modern-day Jordan, and the current capital of Jordan is at the same location as Ammon’s capital city.

Hagrites [Hagarenes]: Northern Jordan

Amalek: were a nomadic shepherd tribe of southern Palestine and the Sinai Peninsula.”. The Sinai Peninsula is now part of modern-day Egypt.

•Philistia: The Philistines lived in the area now known as the Gaza strip. Today these people are called the Palestinians.

Tyre: The main city in Phoenicia”. Today, Tyre is along the coast of Lebanon. So we can see that Phoenicia is now present-day Lebanon.

•Assyria: Today this country is called Syria, and is certainly hostile to Israel and has close ties to Iran.

After a brief analysis of these ancient countries, we can see that they correspond to: Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and the Palestinians (who as of yet do not have an official state, but do control the Gaza strip). All of these countries are Israel’s immediate neighbors, and most have a large Muslim population and they definitely want to see Israel wipe off the map.

I realized some might disagree with my conclusion and I am open to any thoughts who these nations might be on our modern maps.

Unless God brings something else to my mind this will be the end of the end time beast messages. Though I know some disagree I pray the messages were informative and some might consider the points presented.

The Mahdi

Muslim’s Mahdi

In the message of the Second Beast or the false prophet I mentioned the Muslim’s view of their Jesus and showed their Jesus’ was similar to the Bible’s description of the false prophet. I showed the Muslim’s Jesus will do the same things the Biblical False Prophet or the second Beast will do in Revelation. Actually in my studies of Islam’s end time beliefs I learn it all was similar to the Biblical end times teaching. Muhammad Plagiarized the Bible and gave a twisted version to it that suited him at the time. He did the same with the Zoroaster religion as well other religions existing at the time. Not going to take the time right now covering each little detail but as we saw in the last message on the False Prophet He did take Biblical Scriptures and twisted them for his own use. In this Message watch closely how the Mahdi is similar to Jesus’ second coming and even similar to the Millennium reign.

The Mahdi: — The Coming of the Mahdi is the central theme of Islamic end time narratives. There are a few minority Sunnis not believing in a Mahdi but they are very few. There are a few minor differences between the Sunnis and Shias Mahdi beliefs, both sects believe in the coming Mahdi.

Quote “He has been the vision of the visionaries in history. He has been the dream of all the dreamers of the world. For the ultimate salvation of mankind he is the Pole Star of hope on which the gaze of humanity is fixed. He belongs to everybody.” unquote. [Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Muratda Mutahhari, The Awaited Savior, (Karachi, Islamic Seminary Publications), prologue, p. 1]

Though they said Jesus was a Messiah they also claimed he was sent to the Jews only. The Mahdi is the Islamic equivalent of a Messiah and when the word Messiah is used in Islamic culture it is always referring to the Mahdi. They believe the Mahdi is a foreordained leader will launch a social transformation. He will put all things under a divine guidance and the restoration of the purity of the faith which the Islamic revelation will be the Norm for the whole world. [Abdulaziz Abdhulhussein Sachedina, Islamic Messianism, The Idea of the Mahdi in Twelver Shi’ism, (Albany, State University of New York, 1981) p. 2].

The Islamic world today calls for the restoration of the Islamic Caliphate. The Caliph (Khalifa) in Islam may be viewed somewhat as the Pope of the Muslims. The Caliph is viewed as the Vice-regent for Allah on the earth. It is important to understand that when Muslims call for the restoration of the Caliphate, it is ultimately the Mahdi they are calling for because the Mahdi is the awaited final Caliph of Islam. As such, Muslims everywhere will be obligated to follow the Mahdi. The Mahdi is believed to be a future Muslim world leader who will not only rule over the Islamic world, but also the non-Muslim world as well.

The Mahdi is said to lead a world revolution that will establish a new Islamic world order throughout the entire earth. He heralds the beginning of the final rising of the sun of Islam which will never again set and which will ensure happiness and the elevation of mankind… The Mahdi is one of Allah’s clear signs which will soon be made evident to everyone. ——

Notice Muslims believes Islam will rise to power again fulfilling the Rise of the Eight Beast which is Islam and the seventh Beast was the Head that was wounded. How will the Mahdi accomplish this goal? — The Mahdi’s means and method of accomplishing this world revolution will include multiple military campaigns or holy wars (jihad). While some Muslims believe that most of the non-Muslims of the world will convert to Islam peaceably during the reign of the Mahdi, most traditions picture the non-Muslim world coming to Islam as a result of being conquered by the Mahdi. Many battles will ensue between Muslims and the disbelievers during the Mahdi’s reign. [Abdulrahman Kelani, The Last Apocalypse, An Islamic Perspective, (Fustat, 2003), pp. 34-35]

Islamic tradition pictures the Mahdi as joining with the army of Muslim warriors carrying black flags. The Mahdi will then lead this army to Israel and re-conquer it for Islam. The Jews will be slaughtered until very few remain [those converting to Islam] and Jerusalem will become the location of the Mahdi’s rule over the Earth. Then the world will be ruled by Islamic Law.

I gave some references above and summarized what the Muslims believe about their Mahdi and him rising to power. He will conquer Jerusalem and from there he will rule to world. As I stated before Muhammad plagiarized Scriptures and put his own twist on them for his purpose. Christians Knows Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem sitting on the Throne of David. and the Jews knows their Messiah will rule from Jerusalem sitting on the throne of David. —- Notice the Mahdi will lead a world wide revolution by war and force conversion or death. The Bible teaches the Antichrist will do the same with help from the Muslim’s Jesus. — What happens after he gain control of Jerusalem?

Allah will give him his power and the Mahdi will have control over the wind and the rain and the crops. —- Only God has that control and the Bible said the antichrist will sit in the temple of God declaring himself as God. Some asked how can a Muslim accept a man claiming to be God. Simple! When they see his control over nature they will be brainwash into accepting his declaration of being God. Possible some Muslims will turn away from him at that time but not the Majority.

In the last days of my Ummah [universal Islamic community], the Mahdi will appear. Allah will give him power over the wind and the rain and the earth will bring forth its foliage. He will give away wealth profusely, flocks will be in abundance, and the Ummah will be large and honored. [Sahih Hakim Mustadrak, related by Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (4:557 and 558), as quoted by Kabbani p. 233].

As a result of the numerous benefits that the Mahdi brings, it is said that all the inhabitants of the Earth will be possessed with a deep love of him:

Allah will sow love of him in the hearts of all people. [El-Kavlu’l Muhtasar Fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, as quoted by Harun Yahya] — Al Mahdi appears, everyone only talks about Him, drinks the love of Him, and never talks about anything other than Him. [Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, as quoted by Harun Yahya]

Other Sources stated when the Mahdi reigns the Lions will lay down with the lambs and so on and so forth. It is a description of the Bible’s Christ millennium reign.

I gave a few references of the quotes above but there are many more. If I was to do a post on the subject of the Muslim’s Mahdi it will be too long. Later for my website I might do that but for the purpose of these lessons I think this is enough. — This Mahdi is the Bible Antichrist and their Jesus is the Bible false prophet. The word “Antichrist” real meaning is one who replaces Christ or one who is a substitute Christ. The Mahdi will claimed to be the world’s awaited Messiah but in reality he is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing and so is their Jesus a wolf in Sheep’s clothing.

666 Forehead and Right Hand

666 Forehead and Right Hand

RE 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Anyone reading my posts knows I am a firm believer in taking the Bible exact literal wording with in context. Yes there are times the Bible speaks in symbolic language. We all know Beast in the Bible can be a literal beast or it can be symbolic pointing to an empire or a nation. As I read the Bible I always look at it first literally trying to see if it makes sense. If it don’t than I look at it symbolically. First let us look at it literally.

Literally: –- The Bible said right hand or forehead. If I take this literally than I can take the mark in my left hand, on my neck, my face, or my shoulder or anyplace on my body as long as it isn’t on the forehead or right hand. I can stand before God and point him to his word and tell him I didn’t accept the Mark of the Beast in my right hand or forehead. I took it on my butt or chest. God is Just and so I ought to be clear standing on his word. Will I?

What if it is symbolic? I believe it is Symbolic and I also believe there will be examples in the Bible of the Symbolic meanings as there are examples in the Bible of the meaning of Beast symbolically. Let us look at Ancient Culture.

Forehead: –– In my studies of Ancient culture, I learned forehead when used as a symbol can “represent your heart, mind, soul or knowledge.” Let me give you Scriptures in Jeremiah and Ezekiel for support.

JER 3:3 Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed —

Read the first two verses before this and you will learn God is talking about Judah’s backsliding state. Judah was committing spiritual whoredom with false gods. Jehovah was not in their hearts or mind or their knowledge. They had forsaken God. Because of their knowledge of the pagan gods he said they had the foreheads [knowledge]of a whore. This is talking about a spiritual whore. Their hearts and minds were not on God.

Ezekiel chapter 3 we read God will make Ezekiel’s Forehead stronger than the “False Prophets Foreheads.” –- Are we to believe Ezekiel and the false prophets will be butting foreheads? –- If we take this literally that will be the literal meaning but if we take the forehead as symbolic meaning “Knowledge” than I believe God is telling Ezekiel not to worry about how they try staring you down or attacking what you say or teach because your knowledge will be greater than their knowledge which is always true. –- God’s anointed teachers knowledge came from God while the other teacher’s knowledge is from a carnal mind and in some cases a Satanic deception. God also told Ezekiel to eat his word. If you are called of God your knowledge will stand out but first you must eat God‘s word and when you eat anything you have to digest it before it does any good. Problem is many aren’t digesting what they eat.

Revelation talked about a woman riding the Beast and on her forehead was written Mystery Babylon. Mystery means hidden and so it is saying hidden Babylon. Using the forehead symbolically as heart or soul it is saying this woman’s knowledge will be the knowledge of Babylonian worship and her heart and soul will be in it. Muslims today deny their religion is a religion of a moon god and they try hiding the fact it came from the ancient Babylon worship. They are brainwash from the cradle to the grave. Islam is their heart soul and mind!

Right Hand: –- In ancient culture, the right hand when used symbolically represented a person’s power, authority or sworn allegiance to a person, cause, King, or Country. It also represented a person’s strength, intentions, support and character. Right hand of fellowship means you accept the person into your group. Therefore the person accepting the mark of the Beast in his right hand means he will accept the beast in fellowship supporting the beast and working for it. He will dedicate his authority and life to the beast. Think Suicide Bombers. With this in mind let us examine a few verses showing power and Authority.

PS 17:7 Show thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. — Is God’s right hand the saviour or is it God’s power?

PS 44:3 For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them. — The psalmist used “thy right hand” symbolically meaning God‘s power.

ISA 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together. — God’s right hand did not do the work while the rest of him laid around. –- We know God spoke the earth and the heavens into existence and therefore did not use his right hand literally. If we take the right hand as God’s power then we understand it better or we should.

Taking forehead as knowledge and the right hand as power and authority or allegiance we can say receiving the Mark in the forehead means you will be “Brainwash” and receiving it in your right hand means swearing your allegiance and support. Look at the Muslims. They are brainwash and they support the Quran, Islam and Muhammad with their lives.

There are supposedly Christians brainwash into accepting Islam as a sister religion and the Pope kissed the Quran showing his acceptance of the Quran as part of God’s word when Islam and the Quran are both satanic inspired.

This will not involved a computer chip as some supposedly prophecy teachers implied and it isn’t the Pope.

Basically accepting the Mark will be your lifestyle. It will be your way of life so much that you will die fighting for it.

666 Mark of the Beast

666 Mark of the Beast

RE 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: — RE 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. — RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

There are many opinions as to the number 666 and the Beast. Some claimed Nero was the Beast because his the Numerical Value of his name supposedly is 666. Others claimed the Pope is the Beast because the Numerical value of a title for the Pope is 666 and this one I once believed but don’t now. Others claimed the Mark of the Beast is your Social Security Card, Driver License, a Debit or Credit Card, or a Computer Chip implanted in your right hand or forehead. They forgot one thing. None of these are 666. Some claimed the Mark of the Beast is Keeping Sunday instead of Saturday as the Sabbath and Sunday is not 666. So much for Opinions!

Before I start here is some information for you to consider. — Walid Shoebat was a terrorist and became a Christian after he read the Greek letters in Revelation for 666. His said as soon as he saw them it made him think of the Arabic letters Bismillah or “in the name of allah.” He said this is what caused his conversion to Christianity. I had studied this myself and yes I can see some similarities and this is plausible because I know Allah Numerical value is 66 and this is recognized by Muslims. —- Some Scholars suggested that maybe the original had the Arabic letters for 666 which will be Bismillah and a copyist not knowing Arabic thought it looked like Greek for 666. I don’t think this is plausible because the Arabic language didn’t exist at the time John wrote Revelation.

Why the different Opinions? Two reasons. One is Satan trying to get people to look everywhere for the Mark of the Beast and the other reason is a prophecy in Daniel.

DA 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

We are living in the time Daniel mentioned above. Before this time we had many different opinions to the interpretation of Daniel and Revelation. We are now living in the age where knowledge is increased and still is increasing and people are running to and fro at incredible speed. Satan knows unless he can stop Christ his time is short and he is trying to deceive the world to look in every place but the true place for the Mark of the Beast. I believe God always let us understand Prophecies before they are fulfilled and I believe God is letting us and the world know where to look for the number 666. Though God is revealing the knowledge of 666 there will be some clinging to their old beliefs regardless of the evidence presented.

Mark: — Mark in Greek literally mean a brand like you will put on cows or horses using a branding iron. The brand is used by people showing the horses or cows belonged to them. I don’t believe people will allow a branding iron applied to them. You might say it can be a tattoo which is not as painful but will be sore for a few days. If a tattoo was the mark it will have to be 666 and not a computer chip or a SS card or other theories being put forth.

A Mark can be Symbolic.” It can mean swearing allegiance to someone or a religion. When you swear allegiance you are literally accepting the person as your leader and their religion. God put his mark on 144000 Jews before the Tribulation, but only God will see their marks and not the world. In Ezekiel God sent an Angel into Jerusalem to mark his people and everyone else were killed. [Ezekiel 9:2-11]. Nebuchadnezzar didn’t see God’s mark but God knew who had it and protected those with his mark. What reveals God’s Mark of the Mark of Satan? “Your life style will show whose mark you have just as your actions will show you are a child of God or a hypocrite.” “Christ taught us our actions comes from the heart.” The mark will be something connected to your lifestyle. And it can be an open confession supporting a religion or government. The right hand is raised up in swearing allegiance to a power or religion. Don’t the president raise his right hand when he is sworn in? I said that for a reason which I will point out later. I believe the right hand and forehead is used literally and Symbolic as I hope to show in another message.

Verse 16 the “He” is the false prophet or the second Beast in Verse 11.

Verse 17 has a bad translation. The Second “OR” was added by Stephanus in 1550. –- The Byzantine Majority and the Greek Orthodox Manuscript follows.

καὶ ἵνα μή τις δύνηται ἀγοράσαι [ἢ] πωλῆσαι εἰ μὴ ὁ ἔχων τὸ χάραγμα, τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ θηρίου [ἢ] τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ. —-

ἢ is the Greek for OR and I have both in parenthesis [ ἢ] — Notice there are only two ἢ in the above Greek verse . — The correct Translation is — “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, ___ the name of the beast, or the number of his name. — The NIV has a good translation which is — “so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

The above correct Translation shows the Mark is the Name of the Beast but it also shows his name has a number.

666: — There are four Sacred or Holy numbers in Islam. One is 92 and the other is 53. Muhammad numerical value is 92 and Ahmad is 53. Ahmad is another name for Muhammad get this. The meaning of both are praise one or one who is to be praise meaning Muhammad should be the one praise. The two most valued numbers are 666 and 19. Muslims will tell you the Quran is 666 and it is the number of allah because the Quran is supposedly his word. They will also tell you the number 19 actually proves the Quran’s number is 666. This you can see at the web sites below and how they try proving their point. We know there were 19 terrorists in September 1 2001 when they took down the twin towers. Bin Laden said he didn’t expect the twin towers to fall down but it was a blessing from their allah because he kept the number of terrorists at 19 which is one of Islam Sacred numbers.

RE 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:18 said the Number 666 is a number of a man. That Man is Muhammad and he gave the number 666 to the Quran and at the end of this message I will give two links to Muslim’s sites that will verify what I am saying. Muslims claimed 666 is the Quran and it is Allah’s sacred number because the Quran is Allah’s word.

Muslims Claimed the number 666 is a holy number and the Christians corrupted the Bible and made the number 666 an evil number because they wanted to keep people away from their Quran and the true religion which is Islam. They claimed now their allah is revealing how satan used the Christians to pervert their holy number 666.

From my studies I learned it was 1972 when Muslims started revealing 666 was their holy number and wasn’t a satanic number as Christians claimed. Why after all these years did this started being reveal? I believe God is letting the world know what is the number 666 so no one will be deceive in the tribulation. Before Prophecies are fulfilled such as End Time Prophecies I believe God opens up his ministers eyes so they can preach the End Time Truth to the world and let them know from what area the End Time Beast will rise and who it is and what is its mark.

Here are two links to Muslim’s web sites verifying what I said. Go and check them out.



Wounded Head is not the Pope

Wound Head Is Not the Pope

I stated the wounded head was the Ottoman Islamic Empire but there are some claiming the wounded head was when France took the Pope Captive in 1798 which supposedly ended the rule of the Catholic Church for 1260 years which started in 538. There are problems with this theory which I will present in this post.

1260 years: — There isn’t any 1260 years in Bible Prophecy. There are 1260 days which is 31/2 years and the Bible also says the 1260 days are 42 months and also it says ‘Times, Time, Half a Time. Times is 2 years and Time is one year and half a time is a half year. Using this slang if I wanted to say 5 years I will say times, times, and time which is 2 + 2 +1. How do they get 1260 years from 1260 days? They use a Day for a Year principle. Their claim is The day for a year principle is used in Bible Prophecies and they quote two verses for support.

Num 14:34 After the number of the days in which you searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall you bear your iniquities, even forty years… [40 days became 40 years]

Ezek 4:5 For I have laid upon you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shall you bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. — Ezek. 4:6 And when you have accomplished them, lie again on your right side, and you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed you each day for a year. [390 years became 390 days; 40 years became 40 days]

Problem with the above Verses are they aren’t prophecy verses. — In Numbers the year for each day was a judicial sentence which began immediately and not a prophecy. — In Ezekiel 4 each year becomes one day (390 years to 390 days and 40 years to 40 days) and o not one day becomes a year. Nothing in Scriptures supports a year for a day.

Psalm 90:4 stated a thousand years is like a yesterday or a watch. This means a 1000 years is like a day. Peter said a day is like a thousand years and a 1000 years are like a day. (2peter 3:8) Therefore using their reasoning I can say the 2300 days is actually 2300,000 Years. While The day is a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day is plainly stated in the Scriptures the year for a day isn’t.

7 mountains: — RE 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.— RE 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. RE 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

In Revelation 17:9 John said the seven heads are seven Mountains. Those wanting to make the Catholic Church or the Pope as the antichrist will say seven hills and said Rome was called the city of 7 hills. First off nothing in History supports Rome was called the city of seven hills. Also there were other cities built on seven hills too but the Catholic Church always set on one hill and not seven so their claim is only an Opinion. Besides that the Greek word for Mountain is ὄρη and the Greek word for hill is ὄρους. Since ὄρη is used in Revelation 17:9 we know they are seven mountains and not hills destroy the Pope is the wounded head. Another thing is John said the seven heads are seven mountains and we know one of the heads will be wounded.

What about the woman sitting on the seven Mountains. Nothing in the Scriptures indicates this woman is the Catholic Church. Keep in mind the 7 heads are 7 Mountains and John said in verse 10 they are 7 kings. (KJV) In older translations such as Geneva and Tyndale Bibles and many of modern translations says and “they are also 7 kings.” This means the 7 Mountains are also 7 kings. John is saying the seven heads are seven mountains and they are also 7 Kings. This makes sense since you can’t wound a literal Mountain. In the Bible a mountain can be literal or a large Empire and a hill can be literal or a small nation. [Forerunner Commentary on Jeremiah 50:4-6].

John also said in Verse 10 Five kings are fallen and they are the Egyptian Empire, Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian-Mede Empire, and the Greek Empire. He then said one is which at that time was the Roman Empire but there is still one coming after The Roman Empire and History shows us that was the Ottoman Islamic Empire. This is the Empire that was wounded like unto Death but still exist and then there is an eight Empire but he is of the seven.

RE 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The Beast that was, (Ottoman Empire), and is not (Wounded head) and he is the eight and is of the seven. So we learn the Mountains are Empires and one of those Empires was wounded and today that empire is rising again in the Middle East.

If the wounded head was a Pope than there was 6 other popes before him and so why can’t they name the other 6 Popes of the seven heads? From 538ad to 1798ad there was more than 7 Popes. Therefore The Bible is very plain teaching the seven heads are 7 mountains and also 7 kings. Nothing in the Bible teaches it is the Catholic Church or a Pope.

Fatal Head Wound

Fatal Head Wound

RE 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. — RE 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. — RE 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Last message on the 7 Heads I pointed out the Ottoman Empire was the seventh Empire or head. Also in the other Messages I pointed out the Bible said the 7 heads are 7 mountains and these heads are also 7 kings which will make sense because one of those heads received a fatal head wound but it didn’t completely killed it. I pointed out you cannot wound a Mountain but in the Bible a Mountain can be symbolic of Kingdoms or Empires.

Verse 3 of the verses above said one of the heads were wounded to death but it said his deadly wound was healed. Verse 12 is talking about the second beast which I had addressed in another message but the verse also mention the wound on the first beast was healed. Verse 14 said the wound was received by a sword but the Beast lived.

Looking at the first 6 empires we know those empires are dead though some thinks the Roman Empire will be revived from death. The Bible don’t say the empire died and come back to life. Instead it was a fatal wound but it didn’t kill it. [verse 14] The wound was “As it Was Wounded to Death” or we can use the phrase “Like It Was Wounded To Death.” We know a person receiving a death wound but didn’t die could put them in a coma or weaken them. This means the Empire was weaken and maybe went into a coma for awhile but it didn’t die. History showed us there is only one empire existing today in a weaken condition and that is the Islamic Empire. It existed in a weaken state when our country was a young country. Once I read when the USA was a young nation we had to pay Muslim Pirates for safe passage on the high seas. I am not going to get into details on the Islamic Empire before they began to rise again. Point I am making is the seventh Beast did not die as the other six beasts did. Another point is the Beast didn’t come back to life as some thinks the Roman Empire will do.

Revelation 13:14 said it was wounded by the sword which the Crusaders did to the Ottoman Empire. Though the Empire was weaken it still live in the Middle East with the Crusaders.

RE 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. — RE 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The two verses above is telling us the Beast [Islamic Empire] was but is not [wound] and verse 8 said the Beast “Yet Is.” My understanding is the Verses are telling us the Beast was an Empire and then wasn’t an Empire but it still existed [yet is]. This description fits the Islamic Empire throughout History. Also notice the above verses said the Beast that was [Islamic Empire] and is not [the wound] and he is the eighth but he came from the seven and yet he is. As I said before I can’t prove this but I believe John was saying the Eight Beast was the Seventh Beast. Either way we have an eight Beast and the Islamic Empire is the only one fitting the description of the Revelation Beast and the Beast in Daniel 7 and the fourth Kingdom of the man image in Daniel 2. The Eighth Beast coming from the Bottomless Pit which is Hell and there is only one Empire being revived now and that is the Islamic Empire. Seeing their actions we know this empire is coming from hell itself and this empire will go into perdition at the return of Christ. From Muhammad to today Muslims acted the way as they are now with no regards for life. When USA was attacked on 911 the Palestinians danced in the streets and when I saw the video I saw an outline of demonic spirits on them and we are providing aid to them! I’ve saw these spirits upon many Muslims [not all] as I watch videos.

When I said Islam I am talking about the Religion. Yes there are some Muslims not following the Quran and Hadiths completely but we can look at ISIS and see the Real End Time Beast. If the ISIS isn’t the End Time Beast it is a shadow of the real Beast. Keep the four seals in mind and later I might address this.

RE 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

What Rising Empire Is Beheading People Now?”

The 7 Heads

The 7 Heads

RE 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Last post I mentioned you cannot wound a mountain or a hill. I mentioned that in the Bible a mountain or hill can be symbolic of nations with a Mountain being a large nation or empire and a Hill being a small nation or empire. [Forerunner Commentary on Jeremiah 50:4-6] Since the above verse said “here is the Mind which hath Wisdom, so let us use some wisdom and determine by the Bible what are these 7 heads.

KJV – RE 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

Geneva Bible – Rev 17:9 Here is the mind that hath wisdome. The seuen heads, are seuen mountaines, whereon the woman sitteth: they are also seuen Kings.

Notice the Geneva Bible has the first part of KJV verse 10 in verse 9 and it said the 7 heads are 7 mountains and they are also 7 Kings. Tyndale Bible says also the 7 heads are 7 mountains and 7 kings. Though I use my KJV in preaching, in my teaching I always check some of the earliest English Translations and the Greek because over a period of time I learned the KJV has changed a few things. I believe the Greek supports the 7 heads are both 7 mountains and 7 kings. Using wisdom you can’t wound a Mountain or a Hill but if these 7 heads were 7 Large Empires than it makes sense one of those empires were wounded near to death but it survived. [For an example read Daniel 7:17 and 24 where Kings represent World Empires or Beasts.] This being the case than it is understandable when John was talking about the Beast that was and is not but come out of the “Bottomless Pit” Or the place where John said the Beast that was wounded but did live. With this wisdom we can understand what John says next.

five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

Five of those Kings or Empires has fallen: — These five will be the “Egyptian Empire, Assyrian Empire, Babylon Empire, Persia-Mede Empire and the Greek Empire. Each of these Empires had Israel under their control and persecuted them. The Persia-Mede allowed the Jews to return to their home land and rebuild their Temple but they did that to all the nations they control after they conquered the Babylon Empire. Yet after Cyrus the persecution of the Jews started and after the Greek Empire was divided between Alexander 4 Generals the Jews were again persecuted with Antiochus IV being the worst one and was a type of the end time antichrist to come.

One Is: — In John’s time that will be the Roman Empire and this is the only place in Bible Prophecy mentioning the Roman Empire in Prophecy. Yes the Caesars are mentioned in the NT but only in connection with that age but they are not mentioned in a Prophecy. If we take off the Egyptian and Assyrian Empires, some claimed that will make the Roman Empire the fourth beast which will be Daniel’s fourth beast but that Beast must exist until the coming of the Lord and therefore will be that last Beast but John Busts their bubble on that theory.

the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

According to John there is another beast or Empire to come after the Roman Empire showing the Roman Empire isn’t the last Empire. In fact John says this in the next verse.

RE 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The Empire that was and is not is referring to the Head Wound and he is the eighth Empire but he is of the seven. Therefore The eighth Empire which is two Empires after the Roman Empire is the end time Beast. John told us there was one other Empire after the Roman Empire making it seven. What was that seventh Empire? History provides us with that answer and in history we learned the Ottoman Empire came after the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire was an Islamic Empire and it received a death wound which weaken the Empire but never killed it. The religion of Islam is an Empire and is held together by the Quran and Hadiths. It is rising again and the wound is slowly healing. One Motto of Muslims is they will rise and never again be beaten. They also believe this will be accomplished by their Mahdi.

Studying the 7 heads we should be able to see Daniel’s fourth Beast is not the Roman Empire because the description in Daniel and Revelation don’t fit the Roman Empire but it does fir the Islamic Empire. If this is true than the number 666 should fit the Islam. This is the next subjecr.

The 7 Heads

The 7 Heads

As we learned in Revelation 13:1-3 the Beast John saw coming out of the Sea had 10 horns as the fourth Beast in Daniel had but in Revelation this beast had 7 heads. We also learned one of the 7 heads were wounded neat to death but it survived. When people are asked what is their understanding of the 7 heads you will get many different opinions. I am not interested in Opinions but what does the Bible actually say literally about the 7 heads. Since I am trying to keep each post under 2 printing pages and not more than 3 printing pages there will be more than one post on this subject. Let us start looking at Scriptures.

RE 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. — RE 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

In the post on the 2 horns lamb we learn the verses above is taking about the false prophet or the second beast in Revelation 13:11. I said the deadly wound was not a death wound but it did weaken the head. I asked in the other post how was the Head wounded? Verse 14 said it was wounded by the sword and yet it did live, showing two things. First as I said earlier the wound was deadly but it didn’t kill the head and the second thing is the head was wounded by a sword which is a slang for a war or a battle which is what happened to the Ottoman Empire which was an Islamic Empire. More on this later because first I must prove one of the 7 heads were the Ottoman Empire.

RE 17:9 And here is the “mind which hath wisdom.” The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Who or what is the woman sitting on the 7 mountains I will address later. Right now let us look at the phrase “The Mind Which Hath Wisdom.” I can say without a doubt the phrase means “here is the mind that has God’s Wisdom” but majority uses man’s wisdom trying to understand not only this subject but anything else in the Bible. Let us look at “Man’s Wisdom.”

Man Wisdom: — Many Scholars say the seven mountains can be translated as seven hills and are the seven Hills of Rome. They claim Rome was called the city of seven hills during John’s time. –- I haven’t seen any historical data supporting this claim. If I remember correctly two brothers started the Roman Empire on two hills and not seven. –- Those thinking the RCC sits on seven hills need to check because the Vatican sits on one hill which isthe famous Vatican Hill (Latin Collis Vaticanus) and is northwest of the Tiber.

Jerusalem set on seven hills but by the time John wrote Revelation Jerusalem didn’t exist as a city when John wrote Revelation, but there were cities with seven hills during John’s time. They are: — . Amman, Jordan was known as the city of seven hills and in the Biblical times it was called Rabbath-Ammon. — Istanbul, Turkey was another city called the city of seven hills. Istanbul was once called Byzantium, and had seven hills at the time and later Constantine move the Roman capital there and renamed the city Constantinople. –- Tehran, Iran is another city with seven hills. I believe the ancient name for Tehran was Ragha. –- Babylon was another city with seven hills. — “Mecca was a city of seven hills in 96ad and still is. The hills are Jabal abu Siba’ , Jabal Safa, Jabal Marwah, Jabal abu Milhah, Jabal abu Ma’aya, Jabal abu Hulayah, and Jabal abu Ghuzlan.” –- Notice all the cities named are now Muslim cities and not Rome. –- These cities can also fit the bill if we stay with Man’s Wisdom of the seven mountains representing a city. — “Claiming the seven mountains are Rome or any other city is pure speculation with no Biblical or historical support.

As I stated they claimed the 7 Mountains can be translated as 7 Hills which is false. There are two different Greek words used for Mountain and Hill. — The Greek word for Mountain is ὄρη or orē while the Greek word for hill is βουνὸς or bounos and both word are used in Luke 3:5. Therefore the 7 mountains can’t be 7 hills.

Another problem with that interpretation is the Bible said one of the heads were wounded near to death by the sword. You can’t wound any mountain or hill near to death by a sword or anything else and so we must look for another understanding.

I believe those 7 mountains are symbolic of Empires and if I am correct it is easy to understand how one mountain had a bear death wound. Mountains will be large Empires, while hills will be small Empires. [Forerunner Commentary on Jeremiah 50:4-6] Run it through the Bible and you will see Mountains are Large Empires and Hills are Small Empires.

Do the Bible support me on this? Yes it does as we will see next.

Revelation 13 First Beast

Revelation 13:1-3 First Beast

In Daniel chapter 7 and chapter 2 I pointed out reasons why I don’t believe Daniel’s fourth beast is the Roman Empire because the description don’t fit the Roman Empire and the fourth beast exists until Jesus Christ returns. I always teach and believe the Bible is a progressive revelation. By this I mean you cannot take one Bible verse and build a doctrine on it. For any subject we must go through the Bible and as we do we will learn more about the subject which in this case is Daniel’s fourth beast. Let us look at Revelation 13:1-3 verses.

RE 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

John saw the same Beast coming from the same Sea which Daniel called the “Great Sea” and what we call the “Mediterranean Sea.” In Daniel the fourth Beast only had 10 horns but now we see John gave us more information. This same also had 7 heads and there is a reason the 7 heads is shown now by John, which I will present in another message. Besides the 7 heads we see the 10 horns had a crown upon each horn. As we know in the Bible a crown represents a Nation or a King and the end time beast will have ten nations that will rule with the Beast for a short time. I will present in another post where in the Bible we can find those 10 horns and what nations are they today.

RE 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

John gives a description of the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. This beast was like unto a “Leopard, a Bear, and a Lion.” According to Daniel the Leopard is the Greek Empire; Bear is the Persian-Mede Empire; and The Lion is the Babylon Empire. Notice each of those Empires rose from the Great Sea area and if the fourth beast is the Roman Empire than why isn’t it mentioned as an Eagle since that was the Roman Empire Emblem.

If this Beast was the Roman Empire as some claims there should had been an Eagle along with the other 3 Empires or at least something showing there were 4 Empires from Daniel. If the Fourth Beast isn’t the Roman Empire and will not be in existence until the end time than it is understandable why the fourth beast wasn’t mentioned on this Beast but it is actually the end time Beast which isn’t the Roman Empire since that beast isn’t existing now.

RE 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Notice one of the seven heads were wounded to Death. Other words he had a death wound but the head survived. The wound didn’t kill the head but it weaken it. A deadly wound is not a fatal wound. In another post I will talk about the 7 heads and what they are according to Scriptures. How was the Head wounded? I will talk about this later.

RE 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Verse four Said people will worship Satan and the Beast. When they worship the Beast they are actually worshiping Satan.